Best Lightning Strikes trivia quiz questions

Discover the powerful and dangerous lightning strikes that occur around the world and how to stay safe.

  • What is a lightning rod?

    A metal rod attached to a building or other structure that is designed to protect it from lightning strikes
  • What is a thunderbolt?

    Another name for lightning
  • What is the name for a lightning bolt that appears as a bright flash followed by a hissing sound?

    Hissing lightning
  • What is the name for a lightning strike that occurs within a volcanic plume?

    Volcanic lightning
  • What is the name for a lightning bolt that appears as a red or pink glow?

  • What is the name for a lightning bolt that appears as a bright flash followed by a high-pitched whistling sound?

    Whistler lightning
  • What is lightning?

    A sudden electrostatic discharge that occurs during a thunderstorm
  • What is the name for a lightning bolt that jumps from the ground to a cloud?

    Positive cloud-to-ground lightning
  • What is a grounding wire?

    A wire that connects electronic devices to the earth to prevent damage from lightning strikes
  • What is the name for a lightning bolt that appears as a bright flash on the horizon?

    Heat lightning
  • What is the name for a lightning bolt that appears as a bright flash followed by a rumble of thunder?

    Cloud-to-ground lightning
  • What is the name for a lightning bolt that illuminates the sky but doesn't produce thunder?

    Sheet lightning
  • What is the average length of a lightning bolt?

    5 kilometers (3.1 miles)
  • What is a thunderstorm watch?

    A watch issued by the National Weather Service when conditions are favorable for the development of severe thunderstorms
  • What is the name for a lightning bolt that jumps from one cloud to another?

    Inter-cloud lightning
  • What is the name for a lightning strike that occurs within a hurricane?

    Hurricane lightning
  • What is the speed of lightning?

    224,000 mph
  • What is a thunder boomer?

    Another name for a thunderstorm
  • Which country has the highest density of lightning strikes per square kilometer?

  • What is a stepped leader?

    An invisible channel of ionized air that extends from a cloud towards the ground during a lightning strike
  • What is the name for a lightning bolt that appears as a bright flash followed by a cracking sound like a whip?

    Whip lightning
  • What percentage of lightning strikes are fatal to humans?

  • What is a thunderhead?

    Another name for a cumulonimbus cloud
  • What is the name for a lightning strike that appears to flicker or shimmer?

    Ribbon lightning
  • What is a thunder mug?

    A chamber pot
  • What is a return stroke?

    The bright flash of light that we see when lightning strikes
  • What is a positive lightning strike?

    A type of lightning that originates from the top of a storm cloud and is much stronger than a typical negative lightning strike
  • What is the name for a lightning bolt that appears as a bright flash in the sky?

    Anvil crawler
  • What is heat lightning?

    A term used to describe lightning that is too far away to hear the thunder
  • What is the name for a lightning bolt that appears as a bright flash followed by a loud crackling sound?

    Crackling lightning
  • What is the name for a lightning bolt that appears as a web-like pattern across the sky?

    Spider lightning
  • What is ball lightning?

    A rare phenomenon where a ball of light appears during a thunderstorm
  • What is a thunderstorm warning?

    A warning issued by the National Weather Service when a thunderstorm is expected to produce damaging winds, hail, or tornadoes
  • What is the longest recorded distance covered by a single lightning bolt?

    321 kilometers (199.5 miles)
  • What is the name for a lightning strike that occurs without any precipitation?

    Dry lightning
  • How far can lightning travel horizontally before striking the ground?

    16 kilometers (10 miles)
  • What is the name for a lightning bolt that appears as a bright flash followed by a deep booming sound?

  • What is the name for a lightning bolt that appears as a zigzag line?

    Streak lightning
  • What causes lightning to strike?

    The buildup and discharge of electrical energy in the atmosphere
  • How long does an average lightning bolt last?

    0.2 seconds
  • What is the name for a lightning strike that occurs within a snowstorm?

  • What is the name for a lightning bolt that appears as a ribbon-like shape?

    Ribbon lightning
  • What is a thunderbolt and lightning very, very frightening according to Queen?

  • What is the name for a lightning bolt that appears as a bright flash followed by a low rumbling sound?

    Rolling thunder
  • What is the name for a lightning bolt that jumps from a cloud to the ground?

    Negative cloud-to-ground lightning
  • What is the name for a lightning strike that occurs between two separate clouds?

    Intercloud lightning
  • What is 'positive lightning'?

    Lightning that originates from the positively charged upper regions of a thunderstorm
  • What is the name for a lightning bolt that splits into two or more branches?

    Forked lightning
  • What is the most common type of lightning?

    Negative cloud-to-ground lightning
  • What is the name for a lightning strike that occurs between two separate thunderstorms?

    Bolt from the blue
  • What is the name for a lightning strike that occurs between the ground and a cloud?

    Cloud-to-ground lightning
  • What is the name for a lightning bolt that appears as a series of flashes along a straight line?

    Chain lightning
  • What is a thundercloud?

    A type of cloud that produces thunder and lightning
  • What is sheet lightning?

    A type of lightning that illuminates an entire cloud
  • What is the main component of the Earth's atmosphere that allows lightning to occur?

  • What is the name for a lightning bolt that appears during a storm but is too far away to hear?

    Heat lightning
  • What is a Faraday cage?

    A container made of conductive material that blocks electromagnetic fields, including those generated by lightning strikes
  • What is a lightning bolt emoji?

  • What causes thunder after a lightning strike?

    The rapid heating and cooling of air around the lightning bolt
  • What is a thunder shower?

    A brief, intense thunderstorm
  • What is a thunderbird?

    A legendary creature in Native American mythology that is said to control thunder and lightning
  • What is the temperature of a lightning bolt?

    30,000 Kelvin
  • How hot can lightning get?

    30,000 kelvins (53,540 degrees Fahrenheit)
  • What is the name for a lightning strike that occurs between two different parts of the same cloud?

    Spider lightning
  • What color is lightning?

  • What is rocket lightning?

    A type of lightning that shoots upwards from tall objects such as buildings or trees
  • What is the average width of a lightning bolt?

    2-3 centimeters
  • What is the name for a lightning bolt that appears as a bright flash with no thunder?

    Silent lightning
  • What is the name for a lightning bolt that appears as a bright flash followed by a buzzing sound?

    Buzzing lightning
  • What is the name for a lightning bolt that appears as a purple-pink discharge?

  • What is a thunder roll?

    A long, sustained rumble of thunder
  • What is the name for a lightning bolt that strikes the same place repeatedly?

    A hot spot
  • What is the distance at which you can hear thunder?

    10 miles
  • What is the name for a lightning strike that appears to have no branches?

    Beaded lightning
  • What is the name for a lightning bolt that stays within a cloud?

    Intra-cloud lightning
  • What is the primary cause of lightning?

    Separation of electric charges in clouds
  • What is a fulgurite?

    A glassy rock formed by lightning striking sand or soil
  • What is the name for a lightning bolt that appears as a blue jet?

    Blue jets
  • What is the name for a lightning bolt that appears as a glowing ball?

    Ball lightning
  • What is a surge protector?

    A device that protects electronic devices from power surges caused by lightning strikes
  • What is the name for a lightning strike that occurs within a dust storm?

    Dust devil lightning
  • What is a thunderclap?

    The sound that thunder makes
  • What is the name of the scale used to classify lightning strikes based on their intensity?

    The Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS) scale
  • What is the speed of a lightning bolt?

    220,000 km/h (140,000 mph)
  • What is a lightning detector?

    A device that detects the presence and location of lightning strikes
  • What is the most common color of lightning?

  • What is a lightning map?

    A map that shows the location and frequency of lightning strikes in a particular area
  • What is the difference between cloud-to-ground lightning and intra-cloud lightning?

    Cloud-to-ground lightning travels from the cloud to the ground, while intra-cloud lightning stays within the cloud
  • What is a lightning safety plan?

    A plan that outlines what to do in the event of a thunderstorm or lightning strike
  • What is the average number of people killed by lightning each year worldwide?

  • What is the duration of an average lightning flash?

    0.2 seconds
  • What is the name for a series of lightning strikes that occur in rapid succession?

    Staccato lightning
  • Which state in the United States experiences the most lightning strikes annually?

  • What is the name for a lightning strike that occurs within a forest fire?

  • What type of cloud is most commonly associated with lightning?

  • What is the name for a lightning strike that occurs within a tornado?

    Tornado lightning
  • What is the name for a lightning strike that appears to move slowly across the sky?

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