Best Hurricanes trivia quiz questions

Explore the most powerful tropical cyclones of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and their characteristics.

  • What is the minimum wind speed required for a tropical storm to be classified as a hurricane?

    74 mph
  • What is the most common month for hurricanes to occur in the Atlantic Basin?

  • What is the name of the hurricane that hit Louisiana in 2008?

    Hurricane Gustav
  • What is the name of the hurricane that devastated New Orleans in 2005?

    Hurricane Katrina
  • What is the name of the hurricane that hit the Dominican Republic in 2020?

    Hurricane Isaias
  • What is the term used to describe the calm center of a hurricane?

  • What is the deadliest hurricane in US history?

    Galveston Hurricane of 1900
  • What is the name of the hurricane that hit Florida in 2004?

    Hurricane Charley
  • What is the name of the hurricane that hit Nicaragua in 2020?

    Hurricane Eta
  • What is the name of the hurricane that hit the Philippines in 2013?

    Typhoon Haiyan
  • What is the name of the hurricane that hit the Gulf Coast in 2005?

    Hurricane Katrina
  • What is the name of the hurricane that hit Louisiana in 2020?

    Hurricane Laura
  • What is the name of the hurricane that hit Florida in 1992?

    Hurricane Andrew
  • What is the name of the hurricane that hit Mexico in 2018?

    Hurricane Willa
  • What is the name of the hurricane that hit the Bahamas in 2019?

    Hurricane Dorian
  • What is the name of the hurricane that hit the Azores in 2019?

    Hurricane Lorenzo
  • What is the difference between a hurricane and a typhoon?

  • What is the name of the hurricane that hit Puerto Rico in 2017?

    Hurricane Maria
  • What is the name of the hurricane that hit Bermuda in 2014?

    Hurricane Gonzalo
  • What is the most active month for hurricanes in the Atlantic basin?

  • What is the term for the total amount of energy released by a hurricane over its lifetime?

    Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE)
  • What is the name of the hurricane that hit Fiji in 2016?

    Tropical Cyclone Winston
  • What is the name of the hurricane that hit the Caribbean in 2017?

    Hurricane Irma
  • Which of these factors does not contribute to the formation of a hurricane?

    Polar air masses
  • What is the name of the hurricane that hit Cuba in 2017?

    Hurricane Irma
  • What is the name of the hurricane that hit Bermuda in 2014?

    Hurricane Gonzalo
  • What is the name of the hurricane that hit Galveston, Texas in 1900?

    The Great Galveston Hurricane
  • What is the name of the hurricane that hit the Gulf Coast in 2005?

    Hurricane Rita
  • What is the eye of a hurricane?

    A calm, low-pressure center of the storm
  • What is the name of the hurricane that hit Florida in 2021?

    Hurricane Elsa
  • Which of these meteorological instruments is not used to measure hurricane characteristics?

  • What is the name of the hurricane that hit Haiti in 2016?

    Hurricane Matthew
  • What is the name of the scale used to measure hurricane intensity?

  • What is the name of the hurricane that hit North Carolina in 2018?

    Hurricane Florence
  • What is the name of the hurricane that hit the Bahamas in 2019?

    Hurricane Dorian
  • What is the name of the hurricane that hit Samoa in 2020?

    Tropical Cyclone Wasi
  • What is the term for the upward motion of air in a hurricane?

    Vertical ascent
  • What is the name of the hurricane that hit New York City in 2012?

    Hurricane Sandy
  • What is the term for the large-scale wind pattern that steers hurricanes westward across the Atlantic Ocean?

    Trade winds
  • What is the name of the hurricane that hit India in 2020?

    Cyclone Amphan
  • Which of these satellite instruments is used to monitor hurricanes from space?

    Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES)
  • What is the name of the hurricane that hit Texas in 2017?

    Hurricane Harvey
  • What is the name of the organization responsible for naming hurricanes in the Atlantic basin?

    National Hurricane Center
  • What is the name of the hurricane that hit Tonga in 2018?

    Cyclone Gita
  • Which part of a hurricane contains the strongest winds and heaviest rainfall?

  • Which of these organizations is responsible for issuing hurricane forecasts and warnings in the United States?

    National Hurricane Center (NHC)
  • What is the name of the hurricane that hit Mozambique in 2019?

    Cyclone Idai
  • Which of these weather phenomena can enhance the development of a hurricane?

    Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO)
  • What is the maximum category on the Saffir-Simpson Scale?

    Category 5
  • What is the name of the hurricane that hit Honduras in 2020?

    Hurricane Eta
  • In which ocean do hurricanes not form?

    South Atlantic Ocean
  • What is the name of the hurricane that hit New Orleans in 2005?

    Hurricane Katrina
  • Which of these factors can cause a hurricane to stall or meander?

    Weak steering currents
  • What is the name of the hurricane that hit the Dominican Republic in 2017?

    Hurricane Maria
  • What is the name of the hurricane that hit Vanuatu in 2015?

    Cyclone Pam
  • What is the name of the hurricane that hit Madagascar in 2020?

    Tropical Cyclone Chalane
  • What is the most common cause of death during a hurricane?

  • What is the name of the hurricane that hit the United States in 2011?

    Hurricane Irene
  • What is the name of the hurricane that hit Jamaica in 1988?

    Hurricane Gilbert
  • Which of these factors can increase the risk of flooding during a hurricane?

    Slow forward speed
  • What is the main cause of damage during a hurricane?

    Storm surge
  • What is the term for the horizontal movement of air in a hurricane?

  • What is the name of the hurricane that hit Louisiana in 2021?

    Hurricane Ida
  • Which scale is used to categorize hurricanes based on their intensity?

    Saffir-Simpson Scale
  • Which of these weather systems can develop into a hurricane?

    Tropical wave
  • Which of these factors can weaken or dissipate a hurricane?

    Interaction with land
  • What is the name of the hurricane that hit Mexico in 2021?

    Hurricane Grace
  • What is the name of the hurricane that hit Texas in 2021?

    Hurricane Nicholas
  • What is the name given to hurricanes in the Western Pacific region?

  • What is the name of the hurricane that hit Jamaica in 2020?

    Hurricane Zeta
  • Which of these factors can influence the track of a hurricane?

    High-pressure systems
  • What is the term for the clockwise rotation of winds around a high-pressure system in the Northern Hemisphere?

    Anticyclonic flow
  • Which of these is not a stage in the development of a hurricane?

    Tropical depression
  • Which of the following is NOT a category on the Saffir-Simpson scale?

    Category 6
  • What is the name of the scale used to measure the intensity of hurricanes?

    Saffir-Simpson Scale
  • What is the name of the phenomenon that causes hurricanes to spin in different directions depending on their location?

    Coriolis effect
  • What is the term for the change in direction of a hurricane's path due to the Earth's rotation?

    Coriolis effect
  • How long does an average hurricane last?

    9 days
  • What is the term for the rapid intensification of a hurricane?

  • Which country has the highest frequency of hurricanes making landfall?

    United States
  • What is the term for the difference in air pressure between the center of a hurricane and its surroundings?

    Pressure gradient
  • Which of these cloud types is typically associated with the outer bands of a hurricane?

  • What is the term for the calm, central area of a hurricane?

  • What is the primary source of energy that powers a hurricane?

    Warm ocean water
  • What is the term for the maximum potential intensity of a hurricane based on sea surface temperature and atmospheric conditions?

    Maximum Potential Intensity (MPI)
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