Best Blizzards trivia quiz questions

Challenge yourself to recognize the deadliest winter storms and the regions they occur in.

  • What is a snow fence?

    A barrier designed to reduce drifting snow by causing turbulence in the wind.
  • What is a snowboard?

    A board used for sliding downhill over snow.
  • What is a snowmobile?

    A vehicle designed for travel on snow or ice.
  • What is a frostbite?

    An injury caused by freezing of the skin and underlying tissues.
  • What is a nor'easter?

    A type of winter storm that affects the northeastern United States.
  • What is a wind chill factor?

    The perceived decrease in temperature caused by the combination of wind and low temperature.
  • What is a snow shovel?

    A tool used for removing snow from sidewalks and driveways.
  • What is the best way to protect yourself during a blizzard?

    Stay indoors and avoid unnecessary travel.
  • What is a snowball?

    A ball of snow pressed together into a compact mass.
  • What is a whiteout?

    A condition in which visibility is reduced to zero due to blowing snow.
  • What is the minimum wind speed required for a snowstorm to be classified as a blizzard?

    35 miles per hour
  • What is the minimum wind speed required for a snowstorm to be classified as a blizzard?

    35 mph
  • What is the name of the famous blizzard that hit the northeastern United States in 1978?

    The Blizzard of '78
  • What is the name of the type of snow that falls during a blizzard and is characterized by its wetness and heaviness?

    Wet snow
  • What is the name of the phenomenon where snow melts and then refreezes, creating a layer of ice on top of the snow?

  • What is the term used to describe the process of removing snow from roads and sidewalks after a blizzard?

    Snow removal
  • What is the name of the phenomenon where snow is blown into waves by strong winds?

    Snow rollers
  • What is the name of the instrument used to measure wind speed during a blizzard?

  • What is a blizzard's impact on transportation?

    It can cause road closures, flight cancellations, and delays in public transportation.
  • What is the main cause of a blizzard?

    A combination of strong winds and heavy snowfall
  • What is the name of the phenomenon where snow is blown off the tops of mountains by strong winds?

    Snow scouring
  • What is the average duration of a blizzard?

    3-4 hours
  • In what part of the world are blizzards most common?

    The Arctic
  • What is the difference between sleet and hail?

    Sleet is made up of small ice pellets, while hail is made up of larger balls of ice.
  • What is the name of the type of cloud that typically forms before a blizzard?

  • What is a blizzard?

    A severe snowstorm with high winds and low visibility.
  • What is a snow tire?

    A tire designed for use in snowy and icy conditions.
  • What is a snow angel?

    An impression of a human figure made in fresh snow by lying down and moving one's arms and legs.
  • What is the name of the phenomenon where snow is blown into hollows and depressions by strong winds?

    Snow deposition
  • Which state in the United States experiences the most blizzards each year?

    North Dakota
  • What is the name of the phenomenon where snow is melted by sunlight and then refreezes at night, creating a hard crust on top of the snow?

    Sun crust
  • What is the name of the type of snow that falls during a blizzard and is characterized by its small size and light weight?

    Powder snow
  • What is the difference between a blizzard warning and a blizzard watch?

    A warning means that a blizzard is imminent or occurring, while a watch means that conditions are favorable for a blizzard to occur.
  • What is the name of the device used to measure the amount of snowfall during a blizzard?

    Snow gauge
  • What is the name of the type of cloud that typically produces blizzards?

  • What is a snow cave?

    A shelter made by digging a hole in a snowbank or drift.
  • What is a snowsquall?

    A brief, intense snowstorm with strong winds.
  • What is the name of the device used to measure the temperature during a blizzard?

  • What is the name of the phenomenon where snow is blown into ridges by strong winds?

    Snow dunes
  • What is the name of the scale used to measure the intensity of a blizzard?

    The Beaufort Scale
  • What is a snowplow?

    A vehicle equipped with a blade for clearing snow from roads and other surfaces.
  • What is a snow cone machine?

    A device used for making shaved ice for snow cones.
  • What is a snow cone?

    A dessert made of shaved ice flavored with syrup.
  • What is a snowbird?

    A person who travels to a warmer climate during the winter months.
  • What is a snowman?

    A figure made of snow, typically resembling a person.
  • What is the name of the type of snow that falls during a blizzard and is characterized by its large size and fluffy texture?

    Flake snow
  • What is the name of the type of precipitation that falls during a blizzard and is characterized by its round shape and soft texture?

  • What is the name of the tool used to clear snow from roofs after a blizzard?

    Roof rake
  • What is the name of the phenomenon where snow is lifted off the ground by strong winds, reducing the amount of snow on the ground?

  • What causes a blizzard?

    A combination of moisture, rising warm air, and falling cold air.
  • What is the term used to describe the dangerous condition where snow is blown around by high winds, causing zero visibility?

  • What is the main danger associated with blizzards?

  • What is a snow globe?

    A decorative glass sphere filled with water and glitter, which when shaken creates a snowy scene.
  • What is a snow emergency?

    A declaration by local authorities that restricts parking and nonessential travel during a snowstorm.
  • What is a snowdrift?

    A mound of snow formed by wind.
  • What is an ice storm?

    A weather event in which freezing rain coats surfaces with a layer of ice.
  • What is the name of the phenomenon where snow is blown off one side of an object and deposited on the other side by strong winds?

  • What is the name of the phenomenon where snowflakes are blown into drifts by strong winds?

  • What is the name of the warm ocean current that can contribute to the formation of blizzards in the northeastern United States?

    The Gulf Stream
  • What is the name of the phenomenon where snow is blown off the tops of trees by strong winds?

    Snow pruning
  • What is the name of the device used to melt snow and ice on roads and sidewalks after a blizzard?

    Salt spreader
  • What is the name of the type of snow that falls during a blizzard and is characterized by its rounded shape and hardness?

  • What is the record for the most snowfall during a single blizzard in the United States?

    189 inches
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