Best Glaciers trivia quiz questions

Learn about the frozen rivers of ice that cover the poles and the highest mountain peaks.

  • What is the term for a glacier that forms on a relatively flat surface?

    Flat Glacier
  • What is the name of the glacier that covers Mount Victoria?

    Victoria Glacier
  • What is the name of the glacier that covers Mount Columbia?

    Columbia Glacier
  • What is the term for a glacier that forms on a relatively flat plateau?

    Plateau Glacier
  • What is the name of the glacier that covers Mount Hood?

    Eliot Glacier
  • What is the name of the glacier that covers Mount Sir Donald?

    Sir Donald Glacier
  • What is the name of the glacier that covers Mount Freshfield?

    Freshfield Glacier
  • What is firn?

    Dense, partially compacted snow that has not yet turned to ice
  • What is the term for a crack in the surface of a glacier?

  • What is glacial rebound?

    The rise of land that was depressed by the weight of a glacier
  • Which country has the most glaciers?

  • What is the name of the glacier that covers Mount Baker?

    Coleman Glacier
  • What is a tidewater glacier?

    A glacier that flows into the sea and breaks off into icebergs
  • What is the name of the glacier that covers Mount Athabasca?

    Athabasca Glacier
  • What is the name of the glacier that covers the North Pole?

    Arctic Ice Cap
  • What is a horn?

    A pointed mountain peak formed by glacial erosion
  • What is the term for a mass of ice that is permanently anchored to the bedrock?

    Rock Glacier
  • What is the name of the glacier that covers Mount Robson?

    Robson Glacier
  • What is the term for a sharp, angular peak formed by the intersection of three or more glaciers?

  • What is a cirque?

    A bowl-shaped depression formed at the head of a glacier valley
  • What is a tarn?

    A small lake formed in a cirque by glacial erosion
  • What is the name of the glacier that covers Mount Lyell?

    Lyell Glacier
  • What is the name for a long, narrow glacier that forms when snow accumulates in a mountain valley?

    Valley Glacier
  • What is a proglacial lake?

    A lake formed in front of a glacier by meltwater
  • What is the term for a glacier that advances due to its own weight causing it to spread out?

    Advancing Glacier
  • What is the term for a glacier that forms in a small basin on a mountainside?

    Pocket Glacier
  • What is the term for a ridge formed by two glaciers eroding parallel U-shaped valleys?

  • What is the name for a glacier that is confined within a mountain range?

    Alpine Glacier
  • What is a glacier surge?

    A sudden, rapid advance of a glacier
  • What is the name of the glacier that covers Mount Goodsir?

    Goodsir Glacier
  • What is ablation?

    The loss of ice from a glacier due to melting, sublimation, or calving
  • What is the largest glacier in the world?

    The Lambert Glacier in Antarctica
  • What is permafrost?

    Ground that remains frozen for two or more years
  • What is the name of the glacier that covers Mount Tupper?

    Tupper Glacier
  • Which type of moraine forms at the furthest point reached by a glacier?

    Terminal Moraine
  • What is the term for a glacier that forms at the base of a steep cliff?

    Hanging Glacier
  • What is the name of the glacier that covers Mount Shasta?

    Whitney Glacier
  • What is the name of the glacier that covers Mount St. Helens?

    Crater Glacier
  • What is the name of the glacier that covers Mount Temple?

    Temple Glacier
  • What is the name of the glacier that covers Mount Bryce?

    Bryce Glacier
  • What is a pingo?

    A dome-shaped hill formed by freezing and thawing of soil
  • What is the term for a glacier that forms on the slope of a volcano?

    Volcanic Glacier
  • What is the term for a lake that forms in a cirque after a glacier retreats?

  • What is the name of the glacier that covers Mount Logan?

    Logan Glacier
  • What is the name of the glacier that covers Mount Assiniboine?

    Assiniboine Glacier
  • What is a lateral moraine?

    A strip of rock debris that runs along the side of a glacier
  • What is the term for a glacier that ends in the ocean?

    Marine Glacier
  • What is a terminal moraine?

    A ridge of rock debris left behind by a glacier at its farthest extent
  • What is a moulin?

    A vertical shaft or chute in a glacier caused by meltwater
  • What is the term for a glacier that retreats due to increased melting or decreased snowfall?

    Retreating Glacier
  • What is the term for a glacier that is partially surrounded by water?

    Tidewater Glacier
  • What is the process by which glaciers gain mass?

  • What is a crevasse?

    A deep crack or fissure in a glacier
  • What is a kame?

    A small hill or mound of sand and gravel deposited by a melting glacier
  • What is a medial moraine?

    A strip of rock debris that runs down the center of a glacier
  • How do glaciers form?

    When snow accumulates and compresses into ice over time
  • What is a drumlin?

    An elongated hill formed by glacial deposition
  • What is the name of the glacier that covers Mount McKinley?

    Muldrow Glacier
  • What is the name of the glacier that covers Mount Everest?

    Khumbu Glacier
  • What is the name of the glacier that covers Mount Rainier?

    Emmons Glacier
  • What is the term for a glacier that covers a wide area and is not confined by surrounding terrain?

    Continental Glacier
  • What is the term for a glacier that drains an ice sheet?

    Outlet Glacier
  • What is an ice sheet?

    A very large glacier that covers more than 50,000 square kilometers
  • What is the name of the glacier that covers Mount Edith Cavell?

    Angel Glacier
  • What is the name of the glacier that caused the Titanic to sink?

    Sermilik Glacier
  • What is the name of the glacier that covers Mount Edith Cavell?

    Angel Glacier
  • Which continent contains the majority of the world's glacial ice?

  • What is a glacier cave?

    A cave formed within a glacier by meltwater
  • What is the term for a glacier that remains in a steady state, neither advancing nor retreating?

    Stagnant Glacier
  • What is the term for a glacier that forms on the side of a mountain?

    Niche Glacier
  • What is glacial flour?

    Fine-grained sediment produced by glacial erosion
  • What is the name of the largest glacier in Europe?

    Aletsch Glacier
  • What is the term for a glacier that advances rapidly due to increased snowfall or decreased melting?

    Surging Glacier
  • What type of glacier is found in high mountain ranges and flows down from a central peak?

    Cirque Glacier
  • What is the name for a bowl-shaped depression on a mountainside where a glacier originates?

  • What is the name of the glacier that covers Mount Kilimanjaro?

    Furtwangler Glacier
  • What is the name of the glacier that covers Mount Forbes?

    Forbes Glacier
  • What is the largest glacier in the world?

    Lambert-Fisher Glacier
  • What is the name of the glacier that covers the South Pole?

    Antarctic Ice Sheet
  • What is the term for a glacier that forms in a polar desert?

    Polar Desert Glacier
  • What term describes a large chunk of ice breaking off from a glacier?

  • What is the fastest moving glacier?

    Jakobshavn Glacier
  • What term refers to the boundary between the accumulation and ablation zones of a glacier?

    Equilibrium Line
  • What is a nunatak?

    A peak or ridge of rock that protrudes through a glacier
  • What type of glacier covers an area less than 50,000 square kilometers?

    Ice Cap
  • Which type of glacier forms when two or more valley glaciers merge?

    Piedmont Glacier
  • Which country has the most glaciers?

  • What is the term for a long, winding ridge of sediment deposited by a glacier?

  • What is moraine?

    Rock debris left behind by a retreating glacier
  • What is a hanging valley?

    A tributary valley that enters a main valley at a higher elevation
  • What is calving?

    When chunks of ice break off from the edge of a glacier
  • What is the name of the glacier that covers Mount Olympus?

    Blue Glacier
  • Where are glaciers found?

    In areas with high snowfall and cold temperatures
  • What is a glacial erratic?

    A large boulder transported by a glacier and left behind when the glacier melts
  • What is a roche moutonnee?

    A rock outcrop shaped by glacial erosion
  • What is a fjord?

    A long, narrow inlet of the sea between steep cliffs
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