Best Inventors and Inventions trivia quiz questions

Test your knowledge of human ingenuity with this trivia category!

  • Who invented the airplane?

    Orville and Wilbur Wright
  • Who invented the first practical revolver?

    Samuel Colt
  • What did Garrett Morgan invent?

    Traffic Signal
  • What did Joseph Swan invent?

    Incandescent Light Bulb
  • Who invented the first gasoline-powered automobile?

    Karl Benz
  • What did Charles Babbage invent?

    Analytical Engine
  • What did Samuel Morse invent?

    The telegraph
  • What did George Eastman invent?

    Kodak Camera
  • What did Willis Carrier invent?

    Air Conditioning
  • Who invented dynamite?

    Alfred Nobel
  • What did Enrico Fermi invent?

    Nuclear Reactor
  • What did Johannes Gutenberg invent?

    The printing press
  • What did Benjamin Franklin invent?

    The lightning rod
  • What did Percy Spencer invent?

    Microwave Oven
  • Who invented the first successful submarine?

    John Philip Holland
  • Who invented the first practical sewing machine?

    Elias Howe
  • What did Eli Whitney invent?

    The cotton gin
  • Who invented the first electric battery?

    Alessandro Volta
  • What did Karl Benz invent?

  • Who invented the safety razor?

    King C. Gillette
  • What did John Harrison invent?

    Marine Chronometer
  • Who invented the first successful helicopter?

    Igor Sikorsky
  • What did John Logie Baird invent?

  • Who invented the first practical jet engine?

    Frank Whittle
  • What did Robert Fulton invent?

    The steamboat
  • What did John Deere invent?

    Steel Plow
  • Who invented the radio?

    Guglielmo Marconi
  • What did Louis Pasteur invent?

  • What did Alexander Fleming invent?

  • Who invented the Polaroid camera?

    Edwin Land
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