Best Politicians trivia quiz questions

Think you know the world's top politicians? Test your knowledge with this trivia!

  • Who was the first non-royal to appear on a British banknote?

    William Shakespeare
  • Who was the first President of the United States to be impeached?

    Andrew Johnson
  • Which former US President founded the League of Nations?

    Woodrow Wilson
  • Who was the first female Prime Minister of Iceland?

    Vigdís Finnbogadóttir
  • Who was the first female Vice President of the United States?

    Kamala Harris
  • Who was the first female Prime Minister of Canada?

    Kim Campbell
  • Who was the first female Prime Minister of Australia?

    Julia Gillard
  • Who was the first female Prime Minister of Israel?

    Golda Meir
  • Who was the first female Prime Minister of New Zealand?

    Jenny Shipley
  • Who was the first female Prime Minister of Ukraine?

    Yulia Tymoshenko
  • Who was the youngest elected president of France?

    Emmanuel Macron
  • Who was the longest-serving Chancellor of Germany?

    Helmut Kohl
  • Who was the first Chancellor of Germany after reunification?

    Helmut Kohl
  • Who was the first female Prime Minister of Jamaica?

    Portia Simpson-Miller
  • Who was the first female Prime Minister of Ireland?

    Mary Robinson
  • Who was the first female Prime Minister of Great Britain?

    Margaret Thatcher
  • Who is the current Chancellor of Germany?

    Angela Merkel
  • Who was the first female Prime Minister of Sri Lanka?

    Sirimavo Bandaranaike
  • Who was the first President of Russia?

    Boris Yeltsin
  • Who was the first female Prime Minister of Denmark?

    Helle Thorning-Schmidt
  • Which US President was a peanut farmer before entering politics?

    Jimmy Carter
  • Who was the first President of the United States?

    George Washington
  • Who was the first black president of South Africa?

    Nelson Mandela
  • Who was the first female Prime Minister of Peru?

    Beatriz Merino
  • Who was the first female Prime Minister of Bangladesh?

    Sheikh Hasina
  • Who was the first female President of the Philippines?

    Corazon Aquino
  • Who was the first female Prime Minister of Finland?

    Anneli Jäätteenmäki
  • Who was the longest-serving British Prime Minister of the 20th century?

    Margaret Thatcher
  • Who was the first President of Iraq?

    Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr
  • Who was the first female Prime Minister of Thailand?

    Yingluck Shinawatra
  • Which Cuban leader once held the Guinness World Record for the longest speech delivered at the United Nations?

    Fidel Castro
  • Which Soviet leader introduced the policy of 'glasnost'?

    Mikhail Gorbachev
  • Who was the first female Chancellor of Germany?

    Angela Merkel
  • Who was the first President of Indonesia?

  • Who was the first female Prime Minister of Barbados?

    Mia Mottley
  • Who was the first female President of Brazil?

    Dilma Rousseff
  • Who was the first female Prime Minister of Norway?

    Gro Harlem Brundtland
  • Who was the first female President of Chile?

    Michelle Bachelet
  • Who was the first female Prime Minister of France?

    Édith Cresson
  • Which Pakistani Prime Minister was executed in 1979?

    Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
  • Which Israeli Prime Minister was assassinated in 1995?

    Yitzhak Rabin
  • Who was the first President of Iran?

    Abolhassan Banisadr
  • Who was the first President of Afghanistan?

    Mohammed Daoud Khan
  • Who was the first female Prime Minister of Saint Lucia?

    Sereana Saravanamuttu
  • Which Canadian Prime Minister had a famous father who also served as Prime Minister?

    Justin Trudeau
  • Who was the first female Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago?

    Kamla Persad-Bissessar
  • Who was the first female Prime Minister of Guyana?

    Janet Jagan
  • Who was the first President of China?

    Sun Yat-sen
  • Who was the first female Prime Minister of Dominica?

    Dame Eugenia Charles
  • Which Argentine First Lady was known as 'Evita'?

    Eva Perón
  • Who was the longest-serving President of Cuba?

    Fidel Castro
  • Who was the first female Prime Minister of South Korea?

    Park Geun-hye
  • Which Filipino politician was known as 'The Iron Butterfly'?

    Imelda Marcos
  • Who was the first woman to be elected as Speaker of the United States House of Representatives?

    Nancy Pelosi
  • Who was the first female President of Ireland?

    Mary Robinson
  • Which politician served as the 16th Prime Minister of Australia?

    Gough Whitlam
  • Which Polish trade union leader later became the country's President?

    Lech Wałęsa
  • Who was the first woman to be elected as the President of Brazil?

    Dilma Rousseff
  • Who was the first democratically elected President of Russia?

    Boris Yeltsin
  • Which British Prime Minister called for a 'Wind of Change' in Africa?

    Harold Macmillan
  • Who was the first President of Egypt?

    Mohamed Naguib
  • Who was the first female Chancellor of Germany?

    Angela Merkel
  • What was the nickname of British Prime Minister Harold Wilson?

    The Pipe Smoker
  • Which Indian politician was assassinated by her own bodyguards in 1984?

    Indira Gandhi
  • Who was the first female Prime Minister of Belize?

    Said Musa
  • Who was the first President of France?

    Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte
  • Which Chinese leader initiated the Cultural Revolution?

    Mao Zedong
  • Who was the first President of the Soviet Union?

    Mikhail Gorbachev
  • Which US President served the shortest term in office?

    William Henry Harrison
  • Which dictator was overthrown during the Romanian Revolution?

    Nicolae Ceaușescu
  • Which British Prime Minister was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature?

    Winston Churchill
  • Which Brazilian President was impeached in 2016?

    Dilma Rousseff
  • Who was the first democratically elected President of South Korea?

    Roh Tae-woo
  • Which Japanese Prime Minister resigned due to health issues in September 2020?

    Shinzo Abe
  • Which African leader was known as 'Mad Dog'?

    Muammar Gaddafi
  • Which Indonesian President was known as the 'Father of Development'?

  • Which Egyptian President signed the Camp David Accords with Israel?

    Anwar Sadat
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