Best Inventions and Discoveries trivia quiz questions

Explore the history of inventions and discoveries and their impact on the world, from the printing press to the telephone and more.

  • Which scientist developed the general theory of relativity?

    Albert Einstein
  • Who invented the telephone?

    Alexander Graham Bell
  • Who invented the television?

    John Logie Baird
  • Who invented the first successful jet engine?

    Frank Whittle
  • What did Benjamin Franklin discover about electricity?

    Lightning is a form of electricity
  • Who is credited with inventing the first programmable computer?

    Konrad Zuse
  • What invention is credited to Johannes Gutenberg?

    Printing press
  • Who invented the first practical telephone?

    Alexander Graham Bell
  • Who is credited with inventing the modern periodic table?

    Dmitri Mendeleev
  • What invention is credited to Robert Fulton?

  • What was the name of the first artificial Earth satellite launched in 1957?

    Sputnik 1
  • Who is credited with inventing the first practical telegraph?

    Samuel Morse
  • What invention did Thomas Edison patent in 1877?

  • What did Michael Faraday discover about electricity and magnetism?

    Electromagnetic induction
  • What did John Dalton discover about atomic theory?

    Atoms combine in simple ratios
  • What invention is credited to Johannes Kepler?

    Reflecting telescope
  • In which year was the first electronic digital computer, ENIAC, unveiled?

  • What did Werner Heisenberg discover about quantum mechanics?

    Uncertainty principle
  • What did Michael Faraday discover about electromagnetism?

    Electromagnetic induction
  • Who is credited with inventing the first practical electric motor?

    Thomas Davenport
  • Which scientist discovered the law of universal gravitation?

    Isaac Newton
  • Who discovered penicillin in 1928?

    Alexander Fleming
  • Who invented the light bulb?

    Thomas Edison
  • What did Werner Heisenberg propose in his uncertainty principle?

    That it is impossible to know both the position and momentum of a particle with certainty
  • Who discovered the law of gravity?

    Isaac Newton
  • What did Joseph Priestley discover about oxygen?

    Discovered oxygen gas
  • What invention is credited to Guglielmo Marconi?

  • Who developed the first polio vaccine?

    Jonas Salk
  • Who invented the World Wide Web?

    Tim Berners-Lee
  • Which scientist discovered the neutron?

    James Chadwick
  • What did Albert Einstein propose in his theory of relativity?

    That time and space are relative to each other
  • Who is credited with inventing the first synthetic plastic, Bakelite?

    Leo Baekeland
  • Which scientist discovered the radioactive element radium?

    Marie Curie
  • What did Isaac Newton discover about gravity?

    Law of universal gravitation
  • What invention is credited to Benjamin Franklin?

    Bifocal glasses
  • What did Galileo Galilei discover about the solar system?

    Four largest moons of Jupiter
  • Who discovered the smallpox vaccine?

    Edward Jenner
  • Which scientist is credited with discovering oxygen?

    Joseph Priestley
  • What invention is credited to Thomas Edison?

    Light bulb
  • What did Dmitri Mendeleev create?

    Periodic table
  • Which scientist is known for his work on the development of the atomic bomb?

    J. Robert Oppenheimer
  • What invention is credited to John Logie Baird?

  • Who discovered the first effective polio vaccine?

    Jonas Salk
  • Which scientist is known for his work on the development of quantum mechanics?

    Max Planck
  • What did Dmitri Mendeleev invent in 1869?

    Periodic table
  • What did Alexander Fleming discover in 1928?

  • Which scientist formulated the three laws of motion?

    Isaac Newton
  • Who is considered the father of modern chemistry?

    Antoine Lavoisier
  • Who invented the printing press?

    Johannes Gutenberg
  • Who invented the first mechanical calculator?

    Blaise Pascal
  • What invention is credited to Orville and Wilbur Wright?

  • Which inventor is known for creating the first commercially successful steam engine?

    Thomas Newcomen
  • Which scientist is known for discovering electromagnetic induction?

    Michael Faraday
  • What did Blaise Pascal invent in 1642?

    Adding machine
  • Which scientist is known for his work on the structure of DNA?

    James Watson
  • What invention is credited to Samuel Morse?

  • What did Robert Boyle discover about gases?

    Boyle's law
  • What did Charles Darwin discover?

    Evolution by natural selection
  • Which scientist is known for his work on the laws of planetary motion?

    Johannes Kepler
  • What did Louis Pasteur invent in 1862?

  • What invention is credited to Leonardo da Vinci?

  • Who invented the microscope?

    Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
  • Who invented the radio?

    Guglielmo Marconi
  • What did Johannes Kepler discover about planetary motion?

    Three laws of planetary motion
  • What did Benjamin Franklin discover about electricity?

    Lightning is a form of electricity
  • Who invented the first practical camera?

    George Eastman
  • What did Charles Darwin discover?

    Theory of evolution by natural selection
  • Which scientist proposed the geocentric model of the universe?

    Claudius Ptolemy
  • Who is credited with inventing the first liquid-fueled rocket?

    Robert H. Goddard
  • What did Alexander Fleming discover?

  • What did Louis Pasteur discover?

    Germ theory of disease
  • Which inventor is known for developing alternating current (AC) electrical systems?

    Nikola Tesla
  • Who is credited with inventing the first successful airplane?

    Orville and Wilbur Wright
  • Who is credited with inventing the first practical photographic process, the daguerreotype?

    Louis Daguerre
  • What did Marie Curie discover in 1898?

  • What did Samuel Morse invent in 1837?

  • Which physicist is known for his uncertainty principle?

    Werner Heisenberg
  • Who discovered X-rays in 1895?

    Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen
  • What invention is credited to Karl Benz?

  • What invention is credited to Eli Whitney?

    Cotton gin
  • Which scientist is credited with discovering the electron?

    J.J. Thomson
  • Who invented the first computer?

    Charles Babbage
  • Who discovered the laws of motion?

    Isaac Newton
  • Who is credited with inventing the first practical incandescent light bulb?

    Thomas Edison
  • Who invented the steam engine?

    James Watt
  • Who discovered insulin?

    Frederick Banting and Charles Best
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