Best Famous Scientists trivia quiz questions

Test your knowledge of famous scientists and their contributions to science, from Isaac Newton to Albert Einstein and more.

  • Who discovered the law of thermodynamics?

    Sadi Carnot
  • Who is known for developing the first successful bone marrow transplant?

    E. Donnall Thomas
  • Who is known for developing the first successful liver transplant?

    Thomas Starzl
  • Who discovered the principle of least action?

    Pierre de Fermat
  • Who discovered radioactivity?

    Marie Curie
  • Which scientist is known for his work on the development of the laser?

    Theodore H. Maiman
  • Who discovered penicillin?

    Alexander Fleming
  • Who is known for his work on the germ theory of disease?

    Louis Pasteur
  • Who discovered the phenomenon of superconductivity?

    Heike Kamerlingh Onnes
  • Who proposed the laws of motion?

    Isaac Newton
  • Who discovered the circulation of blood?

    William Harvey
  • Who is known for developing the theory of evolution?

    Charles Darwin
  • Which scientist is known for his work on the development of the scanning tunneling microscope?

    Gerd Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer
  • Who discovered the principle of buoyancy?

  • Who discovered the X-ray?

    Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen
  • Who invented the steam engine?

    James Watt
  • Who discovered the law of definite proportions?

    Joseph Proust
  • Who discovered the existence of quarks?

    Murray Gell-Mann
  • Who discovered the first antibiotic?

    Gerhard Domagk
  • Who discovered the law of reflection?

  • Who proposed the idea of natural selection in evolution?

    Charles Darwin
  • Who is known for developing the first successful vaccine for rabies?

    Louis Pasteur
  • Which scientist is known for his work on the expansion of the universe?

    Edwin Hubble
  • Who discovered penicillin?

    Alexander Fleming
  • Who discovered the structure of DNA?

    James Watson and Francis Crick
  • Who discovered the first vaccine?

    Edward Jenner
  • Who discovered the neutron?

    James Chadwick
  • Which scientist is known for his work on X-ray crystallography?

    William Henry Bragg
  • Who is known as the father of modern physics?

    Albert Einstein
  • Who invented the telephone?

    Alexander Graham Bell
  • Who is known for developing the periodic table of elements?

    Dmitri Mendeleev
  • Who is known for developing the first successful face transplant?

    Bernard Devauchelle
  • Who is known for developing the first successful polio vaccine?

    Jonas Salk
  • Who discovered radioactivity?

    Marie Curie
  • Who discovered the first effective treatment for yellow fever?

    Walter Reed
  • Who is known for developing the first successful heart transplant?

    Christiaan Barnard
  • Who is known for his work on the development of the atomic bomb?

    J. Robert Oppenheimer
  • Who discovered the planet Neptune?

    Urbain Le Verrier
  • Who discovered the law of gravity?

    Isaac Newton
  • Who discovered the electron?

    J.J. Thomson
  • Who developed the first effective treatment for syphilis?

    Paul Ehrlich
  • Who developed the theory of general relativity?

    Albert Einstein
  • Who discovered the law of conservation of energy?

    Hermann von Helmholtz
  • Who discovered the first effective treatment for leprosy?

    Gerhard Armauer Hansen
  • Who discovered the law of photoelectric effect?

    Albert Einstein
  • Who discovered the planet Pluto?

    Clyde Tombaugh
  • Who proposed the theory of relativity?

    Albert Einstein
  • Who developed the theory of relativity?

    Albert Einstein
  • Which scientist is known for developing the first periodic table of elements?

    Dmitri Mendeleev
  • Who discovered the law of electromagnetism?

    James Clerk Maxwell
  • Which scientist is known for his experiments with electricity and the invention of the lightning rod?

    Benjamin Franklin
  • Which scientist is known for his work on the development of the first artificial satellite, Sputnik 1?

    Sergei Korolev
  • Who is known for developing the first vaccine for smallpox?

    Edward Jenner
  • Which scientist is known for his work on the development of the Global Positioning System (GPS)?

    Roger L. Easton
  • Who is known for developing the first successful hand transplant?

    Jean-Michel Dubernard
  • Who is known as the father of genetics?

    Gregor Mendel
  • Which scientist is known for his wave-particle duality theory?

    Louis de Broglie
  • Who is known for his work on the development of the smallpox vaccine?

    Edward Jenner
  • Who is known for his work on the development of the World Wide Web?

    Tim Berners-Lee
  • Which scientist formulated the laws of motion and universal gravitation?

    Isaac Newton
  • Which scientist is famous for his laws of planetary motion?

    Johannes Kepler
  • Which scientist is famous for his uncertainty principle?

    Werner Heisenberg
  • Who discovered the first effective treatment for malaria?

    Ronald Ross
  • Which scientist discovered the electron?

    J.J. Thomson
  • Who discovered the first effective treatment for tuberculosis?

    Selman Waksman
  • Who discovered the first successful polio vaccine?

    Jonas Salk
  • Who is known for developing the first successful pancreas transplant?

    Richard Lillehei
  • Who discovered the first effective treatment for syphilis?

    Paul Ehrlich
  • Who is known for his work on the development of the electron microscope?

    Ernst Ruska
  • Who is known for his work on the development of the Human Genome Project?

    Francis Collins and Craig Venter
  • Who is known as the father of modern genetics?

    Gregor Mendel
  • Who discovered the periodic table?

    Dmitri Mendeleev
  • Who discovered the law of refraction?

  • Who is known for her work on radioactivity and discovering polonium and radium?

    Marie Curie
  • Who discovered the law of multiple proportions?

    John Dalton
  • Who discovered the law of universal gravitation?

    Isaac Newton
  • Which scientist is known for his work on the development of the polio vaccine?

    Jonas Salk
  • Who is known for his work on the photoelectric effect?

    Albert Einstein
  • Who proposed the heliocentric model of the solar system?

    Nicolaus Copernicus
  • Who is considered the founder of modern chemistry?

    Antoine Lavoisier
  • Who is known for his work on the laws of inheritance and genetics?

    Gregor Mendel
  • Who is known for his work on the development of the cyclotron?

    Ernest O. Lawrence
  • Which scientist is known for his work on the development of the integrated circuit?

    Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce
  • Who is known for his work on the development of the transistor?

    John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley
  • Who is known for developing the first successful lung transplant?

    Joel Cooper
  • Who is known for developing the first successful kidney transplant?

    Joseph Murray
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