trivia quiz questions
Explore the universe with questions on galaxies, their formation, and different components.
Which galaxy is known for its peculiar shape, resembling a toothbrush?
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NGC 2442
What is the most common type of galaxy in the universe?
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Which type of galaxy has a ring-like structure around its center?
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Which type of galaxy has a distinct central bulge and spiral arms?
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What is the name of the galaxy that was discovered by Edwin Hubble and led to the discovery of the expanding universe?
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What is the name of the galaxy that is home to the radio source Cygnus A?
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What is the name of the galaxy that is thought to contain the most massive lenticular galaxy?
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NGC 5866
Which type of galaxy has a spherical shape and no visible structure?
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Globular Cluster
What is the name of the galaxy that is located at the center of the Fornax Cluster?
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NGC 1399
What is the name of the galaxy that is thought to contain the most massive black hole?
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Abell 85
Which type of galaxy has a lens-shaped inner region and a disk-like outer region?
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What is the name of the galaxy that contains the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A*?
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Milky Way
What is the name of the galaxy that is thought to contain the most distant known object?
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What is the name of the nearest galaxy cluster to the Local Group?
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Virgo Cluster
What is the name of the galaxy that is located at the center of the Virgo Cluster?
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M87 (Virgo A)
What is the name of the galaxy with a unique double nucleus?
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Markarian 315
What is the name of our galaxy?
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Milky Way
What is the name of the galaxy with a unique polar ring structure?
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NGC 660
What is the name of the galaxy that is believed to be the largest in the observable universe?
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IC 1101
What is the Hubble sequence?
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A classification system for galaxies
What is the name of the galaxy that is thought to contain the most massive star-forming region?
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30 Doradus
What is the largest known galaxy?
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IC 1101
Which type of galaxy has a cigar-like shape?
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What is the name of the nearest large galaxy to the Milky Way?
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What is the Tully-Fisher relation used for?
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Estimating galaxy distances
What is the name of the galaxy that is located at the center of the Hydra Cluster?
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NGC 3311
What is the process by which galaxies grow through the collision and merger of smaller galaxies?
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Galactic cannibalism
What is the name of the galaxy that is located at the center of the Perseus Cluster?
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NGC 1275
The Antennae Galaxies are an example of which type of galactic interaction?
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Galaxy merger
Which type of galaxy has a bar-like structure through its center?
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Barred Spiral
What is the smallest known galaxy?
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Segue 2
What is the name of the galaxy that was discovered by Edwin Hubble and is used as a standard candle for measuring distance?
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M31 (Andromeda)
What is the name of the nearest large galaxy to ours?
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What is the name of the galaxy with a giant jet of particles extending over 5,000 light-years?
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Messier 87
Which type of galaxy has a bright, compact nucleus and fainter outer regions?
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Dwarf Elliptical
Which type of galaxy has a smooth, featureless appearance and no visible dust or gas?
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What is the name of the galaxy that is believed to have collided with the Milky Way in the past?
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What is the term for a pair of galaxies that are gravitationally bound to each other?
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Galaxy binary
What is the term for a region of space where the density of galaxies is much lower than average?
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What is the largest known structure in the universe, consisting of a group of galaxy clusters?
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Galaxy filament
What is the name of the largest known void in the universe?
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Boötes Void
What is the name of the galaxy that is thought to contain the most massive star?
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Which galaxy is known for its intense star formation rate?
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Starburst galaxy
What is the name of the galaxy that is thought to contain the most massive low-surface-brightness galaxy?
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Malin 1
What is the name of the galaxy that is located at the center of the Coma Cluster?
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NGC 4874
What is the name of the galaxy that is thought to have collided with the Milky Way billions of years ago?
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Canis Major Dwarf
Which type of galaxy has an irregular shape and no defined structure?
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What is the name of the galaxy that is thought to contain the most massive molecular cloud?
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NGC 6334
What is the name of the galaxy cluster that contains our local group of galaxies?
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What is the name of the galaxy that is believed to contain the largest known black hole?
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NGC 4889
"Green Pea" galaxies were discovered by volunteers participating in which citizen science project?
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Galaxy Zoo
Which type of galaxy has a distorted shape due to gravitational interactions with other galaxies?
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What is the name of the galaxy that appears to be missing its dark matter?
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NGC 1052-DF2
What is the name of the galaxy that is believed to have formed as a result of a recent collision between two smaller galaxies?
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Antennae Galaxies
What is the name of the galaxy that is thought to contain the most massive protocluster?
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What is the term for a galaxy with an active galactic nucleus (AGN) emitting high-energy radiation?
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What is the name of the galaxy that is thought to contain the most massive gamma-ray burst?
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GRB 080916C
What is the name of the galaxy that is predicted to collide with the Milky Way in about 4.5 billion years?
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Which galaxy is the most distant from Earth ever observed?
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What is the name of the galaxy with a unique one-sided jet?
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Minkowski's Object
What is the name of the galaxy that is located at the center of the Centaurus Cluster?
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NGC 4696
What is the name of the galaxy that is thought to contain the most massive spiral galaxy?
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UGC 2885
Which type of galaxy has no specific shape or structure?
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Irregular galaxy
What is the name of the supermassive black hole at the center of our Milky Way galaxy?
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Sagittarius A*
What is the estimated number of galaxies in the observable universe?
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2 trillion
What is the name of the galaxy that is thought to contain the most massive elliptical galaxy?
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Holmberg 15A
What is the name of the satellite galaxy of the Milky Way that is currently undergoing a burst of star formation?
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Large Magellanic Cloud
What is the name of the galaxy that is located at the center of the Ursa Major Cluster?
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NGC 3877
What is the name of the galaxy that is thought to contain the oldest known star?
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What is the name of the galaxy that is thought to contain the most massive dwarf galaxy?
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Segue 1
What is the Hubble classification of a barred spiral galaxy with tightly wound arms and a large central bulge?
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What is the name of the galaxy that is thought to be cannibalizing the Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy?
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Milky Way
What is the name of the galaxy that is thought to contain the most luminous quasar?
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SDSS J010013.02+280225.8
What is the name of the galaxy that is thought to contain the most metal-poor star?
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SMSS J031300.36-670839.3
What is the name of the nearest dwarf spheroidal galaxy to the Milky Way?
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Segue 1
What is the name of the galaxy that is thought to contain the most massive star cluster?
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Westerlund 1
Which type of galaxy has a large-scale disk but no spiral arms?
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Lenticular galaxy
What is the name of the galaxy that is thought to contain the most massive ultra-diffuse galaxy?
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Dragonfly 44
Which type of galaxy has a central bar and no spiral arms?
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Barred Lenticular
Which type of galaxy has a central bulge but no spiral arms?
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Which type of galaxy has a central bulge and spiral arms?
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What is the name of the galaxy that is thought to contain the most massive high-redshift galaxy?
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What is the name of the galaxy that is thought to contain the most massive irregular galaxy?
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NGC 1569
What is the name of the galaxy that is thought to contain the most massive globular cluster?
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Mayall II
What is the term for a galaxy that emits more energy in radio wavelengths than any other part of the electromagnetic spectrum?
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Radio galaxy
What is the name of the galaxy that is located at the center of the Abell 2218 Cluster?
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MS 2243-0935
What is the name of the dwarf galaxy currently being cannibalized by the Milky Way?
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Sagittarius Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy
What is the name of the galaxy that is thought to contain the most massive supernova remnant?
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What is the name of the galaxy group that includes the Milky Way?
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Local Group
Which type of galaxy is characterized by a smooth, featureless light distribution?
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Elliptical galaxy
Which type of galaxy has a boxy or peanut-shaped bulge?
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What is the name of the galaxy that is located at the center of the Leo Cluster?
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NGC 3379
What is the name of the galaxy with a unique warped disk structure?
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Integral Sign Galaxy
What is the name of the first quasar ever discovered?
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3C 273
Which type of galaxy has a ring-like appearance?
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Ring galaxy
What is the name of the galaxy that is located at the center of the Hercules Cluster?
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NGC 6041
Which type of galaxy has a central bar and spiral arms?
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Barred Spiral
Which type of galaxy has a central bulge and a disk-like structure?
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Which phenomenon occurs when two galaxies pass close enough to each other that their mutual gravitational forces cause them to interact?
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Galaxy harassment