Dive deep into the mysterious realm of black holes with questions about their properties, formation, and more.
What is the difference between a black hole and a gray hole?
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Gray holes are hypothetical objects that would emit radiation with a continuous spectrum, while black holes emit radiation with a discrete spectrum.
What is the name of the spacecraft that was launched by NASA in 1990 to observe the universe in ultraviolet light?
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Hubble Space Telescope.
What is the Eddington limit?
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The maximum luminosity that a star can achieve before the radiation pressure exceeds the gravitational force and blows off the outer layers of the star.
What is a wormhole?
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A hypothetical shortcut through space-time that connects two distant points.
What is the Schwarzschild radius?
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The distance from the center of a black hole at which the escape velocity equals the speed of light.
What is the difference between a black hole and a gravastar?
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Gravastars are hypothetical objects that could replace black holes as the final stage of gravitational collapse, while black holes are formed from the collapse of normal matter.
What is the term for the smallest possible mass of a primordial black hole?
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Planck mass
What happens to an object as it approaches the event horizon of a black hole, as observed by a distant observer?
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Time dilation causes it to appear to slow down
What is the singularity of a black hole?
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The point of infinite density and zero volume at the center of a black hole.
Which of the following is NOT a consequence of falling into a black hole?
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Instant vaporization
Which black hole is the closest to Earth, discovered in 2020?
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V616 Monocerotis
What is the name of the black hole that was discovered to be the most massive ever observed?
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TON 618.
What is the difference between a black hole and a micro black hole?
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Micro black holes are hypothetical objects that could be formed in particle accelerators, while black holes are formed from the collapse of normal matter.
What is a quasar?
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A very bright and distant object powered by a supermassive black hole at the center of a galaxy.
What is the name of the boundary around a black hole from which information can never be retrieved?
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Cosmic censorship hypothesis
What is Hawking radiation?
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Radiation emitted by a black hole due to quantum effects near the event horizon.
What is the theoretical lower limit on the size of a black hole?
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Planck length
What is the difference between a black hole and a dark star?
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Dark stars are hypothetical objects made of dark matter that could form in the early universe, while black holes are formed from the collapse of normal matter.
What is the name of the region outside a black hole's event horizon where photons are trapped in circular orbits?
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Photon sphere
What is the name of the galaxy that contains the largest known black hole?
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NGC 1277.
What is the difference between a black hole and a fireball black hole?
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Fireball black holes are hypothetical objects that could be formed from the Big Bang, while black holes are formed from the collapse of normal matter.
What is the difference between a black hole and a boson star?
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Boson stars are hypothetical objects made of bosons, while black holes are formed from the collapse of normal matter.
What is the event horizon of a black hole?
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The point of no return where gravitational pull becomes too strong for anything to escape, not even light.
What is the No-Hair theorem?
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The idea that a black hole is described only by its mass, charge, and angular momentum, and all other information is lost forever.
Which famous physicist proposed the idea of 'Hawking radiation'?
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Stephen Hawking
What is the name of the black hole candidate located in the constellation Cygnus?
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Cygnus X-1
What is the Penrose process?
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A process by which energy can be extracted from a rotating black hole.
What is the name of the hypothetical object that is similar to a black hole but does not have an event horizon?
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Naked singularity
What is the difference between a black hole and a Q-ball black hole?
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Q-ball black holes are hypothetical objects that could be formed from exotic particles called Q-balls, while black holes are formed from the collapse of normal matter.
What is the accretion disk of a black hole?
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A disk of gas and dust that orbits a black hole and heats up due to friction, emitting radiation.
What is the name of the region around a rotating black hole where spacetime is dragged along with the black hole's rotation?
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What is the difference between a black hole and a naked singularity?
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A black hole is surrounded by an event horizon, while a naked singularity is not.
What is the name of the telescope array used to observe black holes and other celestial objects?
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Event Horizon Telescope.
What is the minimum mass required for a star to eventually form a black hole?
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3 solar masses
What is the name of the black hole that was discovered to be surrounded by a halo of hot gas?
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NGC 1332.
What is the name of the process by which a black hole gains mass?
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What is the name of the black hole that was discovered to be the fastest-spinning ever observed?
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MAXI J1659-152.
What is the name of the phenomenon in which a black hole's jets are pointed directly towards Earth?
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What is the name of the black hole that was discovered to be ejecting plasma jets at nearly the speed of light?
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PKS 0637-752.
What is the name of the black hole that was discovered in the constellation Telescopium in 2020?
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Which scientist first mathematically predicted the existence of black holes?
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John Michell
What is the Schwarzschild radius of a black hole?
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The distance from the center of a black hole at which the escape velocity equals the speed of light.
Which of the following best describes the shape of a rotating black hole's event horizon?
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Oblate spheroid
What is the region surrounding a black hole where no light can escape called?
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Event horizon
What is the name of the black hole that was discovered to be the smallest ever observed?
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GRB 150101B.
What is the name of the black hole that was discovered to have a disc of gas rotating around it in two different directions?
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NGC 1313 X-1.
Which of the following is NOT a property of a black hole according to the no-hair theorem?
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What is the name of the black hole that was discovered to be spinning at nearly the speed of light?
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GRS 1915+105.
What is the name of the telescope that captured the first image of a black hole in 2019?
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Event Horizon Telescope
What is the name of the black hole at the center of our Milky Way galaxy?
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Sagittarius A*
What is the approximate age of the universe?
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13.8 billion years.
What is the difference between a black hole and a fuzzy black hole?
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Fuzzy black holes are hypothetical objects that could be formed from ultra-light particles, while black holes are formed from the collapse of normal matter.
Which of these phenomena occurs when an object approaches the event horizon of a black hole?
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Gravitational time dilation
What is the name of the theory that suggests the universe began as a single, infinitely dense point called a singularity?
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Big Bang theory.
Which of the following is a possible fate of a black hole?
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Complete evaporation due to Hawking radiation
What is the difference between a black hole and a white hole?
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Black holes have strong gravity and pull everything in, while white holes have negative gravity and push everything away.
What phenomenon occurs when an object is stretched apart due to tidal forces near a black hole?
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What is the Planck length?
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The smallest possible length that has any physical meaning, about 1.6 x 10^-35 meters.
What is spaghettification?
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The process by which an object is stretched and ripped apart by tidal forces near a black hole.
What is the name of the force that causes objects to attract each other?
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What is the difference between a black hole and a primordial black hole?
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Primordial black holes are hypothetical objects that could have formed in the early universe, while black holes are formed from the collapse of normal matter.
Which scientist first predicted the existence of black holes?
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John Michell
What is the name of the process by which black holes lose mass over time due to quantum effects?
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Hawking evaporation
What is the name of the theory that attempts to reconcile general relativity and quantum mechanics?
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Quantum gravity.
What is the name of the black hole that was discovered to be emitting powerful radio waves?
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Cygnus A.
Which theorem states that any object completely enclosed by an event horizon must be a black hole?
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Black hole uniqueness theorem
What is the name of the star system that contains the closest known black hole to Earth?
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HR 6819.
What term describes the process by which a black hole evaporates over time due to quantum effects near its event horizon?
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Hawking radiation
What is the maximum number of solar masses a neutron star can have before collapsing into a black hole?
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Approximately 3 solar masses
What is the process by which energy can be extracted from a rotating black hole?
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Penrose process
What is the name of the black hole that was discovered to be the most distant ever observed?
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ULAS J1342+0928.
What is a black hole?
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A region of spacetime exhibiting gravitational acceleration so strong that nothing—no particles or even electromagnetic radiation such as light—can escape from it.
What is the Chandrasekhar limit?
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The maximum mass of a white dwarf beyond which it will collapse into a neutron star or black hole.
What is the name of the black hole that was discovered to be located in a globular cluster?
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What is the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff limit?
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The maximum mass that a neutron star can achieve before it collapses into a black hole.
What is the minimum mass required for a star's core to collapse and form a black hole?
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3 solar masses
What is the name of the mission launched by NASA in 2018 to study black holes and other cosmic phenomena?
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What is the name of the black hole that was discovered to be the youngest ever observed?
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GRB 090423.
What is the name of the first black hole ever discovered?
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Cygnus X-1.
What is the term used to describe the point at the center of a black hole?
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What is the name of the theory that suggests every black hole contains another universe inside it?
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Black hole cosmology
What is the difference between a stellar-mass black hole and a supermassive black hole?
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Stellar-mass black holes have masses up to a few tens of times that of the sun, while supermassive black holes have masses millions or billions of times that of the sun.
What is the name of the spacecraft that was launched by NASA in 1977 to explore the outer planets of our solar system?
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Voyager 1.
What type of black hole is formed by the collapse of a massive star?
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Stellar black hole
What is the name of the black hole that was recently photographed for the first time?
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What is the ergosphere of a black hole?
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The region outside a black hole's event horizon where space and time are dragged along with the rotation of the black hole.
What is the difference between a black hole and a neutron star?
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Black holes have stronger gravity and are formed from the collapse of a massive star, while neutron stars are formed from the collapse of a smaller star and are held up by neutron degeneracy pressure.
What is the difference between a black hole and a mini black hole?
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Mini black holes are hypothetical objects that could be formed from cosmic rays hitting the Earth's atmosphere, while black holes are formed from the collapse of normal matter.
What is the name of the largest known black hole, with a mass of approximately 66 billion solar masses?
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TON 618
What is the name of the effect in which a black hole's rotation drags spacetime along with it?
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Frame dragging
What is the term for a black hole that has stopped growing and is no longer accreting matter?
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Dormant black hole
What is the name of the brightest quasar ever discovered?
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SDSS J0100+2802.
Which of these objects is NOT considered a potential source of black holes?
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White dwarfs
Which of the following is a method used to detect black holes?
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Observing the motion of nearby stars
What is the term for the hypothetical surface that separates a black hole from the rest of the universe?
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Apparent horizon
What is the difference between a black hole and a virtual black hole?
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A virtual black hole is a mathematical construct used to describe certain phenomena, while a black hole is a real object with observable effects.